Each year, 76 million people in the US, the Treaty of food born illness, according to the Centers for disease control estimates. This number is equal to nearly a quarter of the total US population, which most of us have a chance of 1 in 4 of the food poisoning. With such a chance, it is important to know what to do if you suspect you are suffering from food poisoning. Although most cases considerably quickly runs away, is a big difference between one uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhoea and three days.
First step: Manage symptoms
There is a trio of symptoms, which usually indicate that the person is suffering from food poisoning: stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Containing these symptoms is the first key to faster recovery. Zeolite Add-ons are extremely effective in stopping diarrhea and pull toxins from the digestive tract. As soon as diarrhoea and vomiting is stabilized, it is necessary to eat normally again. Make sure to avoid food or beverages in sugar, fat, caffeine or alcohol high to nearly all of the symptoms.
Second step: oral rehydration
Vomiting and diarrhea to steal a huge amount of fluids from the body and lead to dehydration and a feeling of weakness. Oral rehydration is important to get back into the natural strength. Drinking rehydration drinks and sports drinks help work very quickly, than just drinking water. To replace the electrolytes, diarrhea and vomiting.
Third step: the fight against infectious agent
Food poisoning comes in the form of a bacterium, virus or parasite. Food poisoning caused by bacteria or viruses the most natural treatment. Some of the tea have natural antibacterial and antiviral properties that may help the body to the eradication of an infectious agent much faster. Ginger, lemon and clove are known among this group. There are also zeolite added that are combined with naturally occurring delousing can help diarrhea and fight the virus, when in the correct dosage.
Important: Antibiotics do more harm than good, when used to treat food poisoning and is used only in very exceptional cases. Natural solutions are usually more balanced responses.