Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Clean drinking water, how can we be sure it is, what are we to drink?

Five sixths of the world's population have access to clean drinking water in accordance with the standards laid down by national legislation or local laws which regulate the supply of water. In many ways, these standards are open to question. Two of them do not have the sixths sufficient hygiene. Which means that one-sixth of one, or just more than a billion people don't have clean water is readily available for them.

In areas where it is more likely that the case of the wise people to contaminated water is more reasonable to some form of disinfection system into service. Boiling water is one method used throughout the world to kill all the germs before use, whether it's for food preparation, cooking, or to drink. Contamination of water has caused very serious health risks in many parts of the world, including to the West.

In Kenya and other countries, one strategy is used to eradicate water borne diseases is to disinfect water by the method known as SODIS solar disinfection of water.

Water is poured into a thoroughly cleaned transparent plastic container, many use what is called a Pet bottle, then placed on the roof, and to tolerate in the Sun, no less than six hours actually sunny and cloudy days for two days. UV radiation from the Sun to kill pathogens that cause diarrhea. A simple low tech solution to slow and perhaps the Western mind but much better than the consequences of drinking contaminated water.

PET (Polyethelene polyethylene terephthalate) bottles were subjected to health concerns due to the triacetate, which is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles, leaching into the water, stored in them. Let us hope that it is a factor which is given the necessary attention.

For many people on the African continent it is a very effective way available to them at such low cost clean drinking water. And its cheaper than buying bottled water. Water is one of the most important elements for health, so it is good to know that the organization can help you with limited resources to learn simple ways healthy water.

Would the rest of us with more of the utilities that are available for all of us take for granted, we will have clean drinking water? The answer to this may surprise many of us from these parts of the world.

Although the disinfection system used in our water supplier produces safer water can leave a lot to be desired. Pathogens can still through the system, together with the remains of chlorine, which in the main is a highly effective disinfecting agent used to kill bacteria and germs.

But even so, our clean water may not be the cleanest drinking water, that we want it to be. After a little research many have seen the wisdom of the installation of a water filter, to ensure that their families will receive clean drinking water.

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