Saturday, 29 October 2011

How to select good whole House water filter

Whole House water filters are the best way to keep your House free of unwanted disease. Our body catches the infection or disease, only three means; air, water and food. If we leave aside for a moment, air pollution, then it is water, which results in the maximum number of diseases and such diseases are called as water borne diseases. How food is cooked with water only, water borne diseases are directly linked with food-related illness. Increased levels of pollution will be important to install the filter system of good and efficient whole House.

The whole House filtration systems are installed in a central point from where the water supply for the whole household is lodged. The whole House filtration systems are installed on the main menu so that every drop of water passes through a filter system and each Member of your House will be clean and chemical free water, which is good for drinking and cooking purposes. You can get the whole House water filters, according to his requirements and the number of family members.

However, it must be ensured that the system of filter you are about to buy is capable of processing strong currents of water that does not allow polluted water through to high level flow. Good whole House water filter must be able to remove suspended particles in the water as dust, debris, etc. In addition, a good water filter will include the carbon activated filter mechanism, which is required to maintain harmful chemicals from water. It maintains also substances in chess, which affect the flavor, color and taste of the water.

Water filter is the ability to combine another filter elements with it, so it would be best to do. External manganese and chlorine control filters usually can be attached to the whole House filter system. Finally, when buying whole House filter, you must ensure that it meets all the requirements and standards laid down by the regulatory authority, your local water. The body of the filter must be firm and from a hard material, so that it does not deteriorate due to regular contact with polluted water. Whole House water filter is the best way to take care of the family.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

International travel and health advisories for expatriates in the developing countries of the world

What are some of the main causes of accidents and illnesses for expatriates living in difficult and hostile environment, who need to travel and health insurance


Depression is a serious drugs affects about 40-50% of the expatriates living in difficult and hostile environments. Back to the home country of depression can be treated by reducing stress, nutrition, and exercise. But in situations overseas, most employees cannot change the situational causes of depression. The initial diagnosis and medical care is the best, if it is in the home country. Psychotherapeutic medicines should be available to them and the ongoing physician care, you can perform one expatriate worker returns home.

Automobile injuries

-Car car car or pedestrian injuries are the leading cause of death in the expatriate health

The accident of water and water-borne diseases

-Contact infectious diseases, in particular fresh water

Unfavourable animal encounters

-Stings, especially mosquitoes
-Poisonous snakes

Unwanted meeting people

-Robbery, assault
-Who is against your presence in their country of

Other common injuries and diseases

-Burns caused by an open fire, and dangerous domestic cooking appliances (in particular apparatus or containers boil water)
-Skin problems caused by dirty water and unhygienic environment
Food-related diseases such as dysentery and typhoid
-The disease through contaminated sources, such as hepatitis

Long-term and short-term expatriate workers, travellers are advised to contact the Center for disease control and The World Health Organization for the list of diseases in the countries they live or travel.

Life insurance, health insurance and health insurance are necessary for the people who live or travel in difficult and hostile environments.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Kitchen water filter-Why is it necessary

May ask whether the kitchen water filter is really necessary, when in fact they could continue to buy in bottles. It is not like the bearer of bad news, but the bottled drink could be exactly the same, what's coming from your tap water. To understand why Please read on.

For starters, if your H2o is packed in the same state that you live in a society may not achieve any of government regulation. Only in the event that the water is transported to another State not subject to the limited provisions. In fact, there are less rules for bottled H2o than for your faucet.

Bottled water industry is the fastest growing and most profitable companies. Produces billions of dollars a year. You the consumer contributes $ 1 to $ 4 per gallon purchased.

The other main disadvantage is that plastic water bottles, filling landfills with mass around the world contributes to environmental disasters. How many are harmless are produced daily by our valuable resources of oil and natural gas. Hazardous chemicals are emitted in the manufacture of plastic bottles.

There is no doubt that chlorine in our drinking water may pose some serious health risk, so the kitchen water filter is definitely a better option. It's preferable to have free water contaminants in the water, and not on the inconvenience of having to buy it, when you run out.

Kitchen water filter provides much better quality drinking water than bottled water in the selection of the correct type. It is also much cheaper than the $ 1 to $ 4 per gallon, already mentioned above. Cost of 9 cents per gallon on the appeal to you? It sounds much better, I think.

Another advantage is that your food and drink will taste better when prepared with chlorine-free water. It should be noted that as soon as the chlorine has been added to our drinking water treatment facilities, led the work for the disinfection of water from the deadly water-borne diseases. Since then, no longer needed and can be safely deleted.

Now, when you're armed with the information it makes sense to continue further research. Kitchen water filter is definitely worth the effort and much more comfortable and more economical than purchasing it is bottled. I have more interesting information about my website, so please click on the link to continue research.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Lyme disease and the controversy that surrounds it

Lyme disease is borne by a bacterial infection, relatively common in the United States. It is not unusual, not something exotic, so what is it and why is there so much controversy surrounding it.

First appeared in 1975 in the town in Connecticut, where it derives its name, Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb).

The disease is characterised by the characteristic Skin lesions known as erythema migrans (EM) and maybe even systemic symptoms including neurological, rheumatologic and cardiac involvement of time (months to years). Some reports say that may also affect the optic nerve.

EM, which is the first manifestation in most cases, your mouth is red, often showing clear Center (Bull's eye). Can be seen individually or in multiples.

With or without other early symptoms of the EM may include malaise, fatigue, fever, headache and a stiff neck. Pain and joint pain, migratory may also see.

In the US, which is Lyme disease is endemic to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Wisconsin and Minnesota and parts of California and Oregon.

Where is the dispute?

First, the mode of transmission. It is well documented that Lyme disease is the originator of the tick. Common species are known to Harbor ticks Ixodes scapularis (Bb) and i. pacificus. Larval and nymphal ticks feed on small animals, while the adults feed on deer. Pets such as dogs can also get Lyme disease.

However, there are those who believe that the other vectors that carry disease, such as fleas, mites, and mosquitoes. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) said on its website that there is no credible evidence that Lyme disease can be transmitted through the air, food, water, or from the bites of mosquitoes, flies, fleas and lice.

The second issue, often expressed by Lyme affected is testing and evaluation.

Many patients complain that it's a problem to get properly diagnosed. Some say it may take years to get diagnosed for Lyme disease. Some people talk about are misdiagnosed Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or lupus.

The diagnosis of Lyme disease is based on two step laboratory, testing process. The first step is to use the antibody test ELISA or IFA. It is a very sensitive test and if you have Lyme disease should be positive.

There are times when someone who does not have Lyme disease may also be positive in these screening tests. Cross reacting antibodies can cause false positive results of patients with syphilis, Leptospirosis, HIV, Infectious Mononucleosis and rheumatoid arthritis, among others.

ELISA and IFA are uppercase and lowercase letters in the first weeks, and infection may remain negative, if early with antibiotics.

The second step is the western blot test. This test is designed as a "concrete", which means that usually will be positive only if that person is actually infected. If a positive ELISA or IFA, Western blot would not be tested.

Critics argue that it's a two step process testing does not work. They say that the purpose of standardization
determination of parameters for laboratory confirmation of Lyme disease monitoring cases, no
clinical diagnosis.

Also they say that the tests in step one is sufficiently sensitive, such as screening tests. It is also alleged that the interpretation of the western blot was selected on the basis of statistical, rather than clinical.
The third issue of contention is the appropriate treatment for Lyme disease.

According to studies, which are financed from the national institutes of health (NIH) can cure most patients with several weeks of antibiotics taken by mouth. Commonly used for Oral antibiotic treatment include doxycycline, amoxicillin or cefuroxime to be axetil. Patients with certain neurological and cardiac Chair forms of the disease may require intravenous treatment drugs such as ceftriaxone and penicillin.

Patients treated with antibiotics in the early stages of infection usually recover quickly and completely. A few patients, particularly those that have been diagnosed with later stages of the disease, may have persistent or recurrent symptoms.

Critics say that this treatment works only occasionally or only rarely. Sometimes they help for a while, and sometimes do nothing at all.

Most of the infectious diseases have a very unique diagnostic test and specific treatment of Lyme disease has, however, and probably will in future be a problem for doctors and patients for the above reasons, and others not listed here.