Tuesday 31 January 2012

Clean drinking water, how can we be sure it is, what are we to drink?

Five sixths of the world's population have access to clean drinking water in accordance with the standards laid down by national legislation or local laws which regulate the supply of water. In many ways, these standards are open to question. Two of them do not have the sixths sufficient hygiene. Which means that one-sixth of one, or just more than a billion people don't have clean water is readily available for them.

In areas where it is more likely that the case of the wise people to contaminated water is more reasonable to some form of disinfection system into service. Boiling water is one method used throughout the world to kill all the germs before use, whether it's for food preparation, cooking, or to drink. Contamination of water has caused very serious health risks in many parts of the world, including to the West.

In Kenya and other countries, one strategy is used to eradicate water borne diseases is to disinfect water by the method known as SODIS solar disinfection of water.

Water is poured into a thoroughly cleaned transparent plastic container, many use what is called a Pet bottle, then placed on the roof, and to tolerate in the Sun, no less than six hours actually sunny and cloudy days for two days. UV radiation from the Sun to kill pathogens that cause diarrhea. A simple low tech solution to slow and perhaps the Western mind but much better than the consequences of drinking contaminated water.

PET (Polyethelene polyethylene terephthalate) bottles were subjected to health concerns due to the triacetate, which is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles, leaching into the water, stored in them. Let us hope that it is a factor which is given the necessary attention.

For many people on the African continent it is a very effective way available to them at such low cost clean drinking water. And its cheaper than buying bottled water. Water is one of the most important elements for health, so it is good to know that the organization can help you with limited resources to learn simple ways healthy water.

Would the rest of us with more of the utilities that are available for all of us take for granted, we will have clean drinking water? The answer to this may surprise many of us from these parts of the world.

Although the disinfection system used in our water supplier produces safer water can leave a lot to be desired. Pathogens can still through the system, together with the remains of chlorine, which in the main is a highly effective disinfecting agent used to kill bacteria and germs.

But even so, our clean water may not be the cleanest drinking water, that we want it to be. After a little research many have seen the wisdom of the installation of a water filter, to ensure that their families will receive clean drinking water.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Contamination of water

More than 60% of the country is covered with water. The average needs of at least 2.5 litres of water per day. We all know that life without water cannot even exists and is the day, the water dries up in the day, that planet Earth is nothing but a bare. Unfortunately, the water becomes more and more contaminated and the statistics show that the results of the contamination of water in 14 thousand deaths a day, and the consequences of the pollution of water are many.

Dirty water contains bacteria and viruses, which once had in our bodies, causes diseases such as diarrhea, botulism, typhoid, Cholera and other illnesses, which may even lead to death. In fact, water borne diseases are one of the main causes of death, particularly in the poorer countries, crowded urban areas and child population.

Contaminated water causes an excessive growth of algae in bodies of water will stop the sunlight reaching down to the lower layers of water; It inhibits photosynthesis of aquatic plants on the bottom of the river or Lake and cause death. If there are no more plants, there will be enough oxygen for aquatic organisms; In addition, excessive algae may block the gills, killing animals fish stocks. It's just one massive consequence among many.

There are different levels of contamination of water, such as natural, agricultural and industrial.

The pollution of natural water in the presence of certain substances in the water without the intervention of human behaviour.

Pollution from urban sources is the result of the use of water in households, commercial and service activities, which generates waste water containing fecal waste receiver returned, food waste and now with increased chemicals.

Agricultural pollution from the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which are transported, irrigation water, carrying salt consists of nitrogen, phosphorus; sulphur and chlorine organ trace elements reach the soil through leaching and contamination of groundwater.

Industrial pollution is one that creates the greatest impact, a wide range of materials and energy resources, which can provide water.

Other sources of anthropogenic pollution are the landfill of waste, urban and industrial and agricultural, contamination of the fuel, lubricants, antifreeze, asphalt and contamination of water leakages in pipes and tanks of the industrial nature of the tracks.

The oil spills caused by the spillage of oil into the sea, mainly as a result of accidents, such as the accident in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill from a platform, which dropped last year.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Diseases spread by flies

Not only are the flies, when they are around the House, but also bring the illness with them both to humans and domestic animals.

Over the years, he said the spread of disease, the flies such as malaria, typhoid, anthrax, leprosy, cholera, conjunctivitis, tuberculosis, dysentery and diarrhea in human beings. Tape worms cause parasitic worms parasitic strip poultry or horse riding.

Flies rapidly increased during the warmer period, this means that the disease is now spreading faster if proper hygiene is not complied with in our homes. There is no reason for you to prepare to fly season in order to reduce the spread of the disease. The flies are known that bacteria in the mouth, which cause mastitis and foot. The flies are disease by biting, but rather wet materials of food particles, which remain in their mouthparts, when alive, contain bacteria that will be transferred to another location, where it lands in a continuous feed, or even to rest. Flies as decayed or decaying plant matter, from milk to mastitis bacteria.

When this fly, which escaped the mastitis milk containing bacteria bites a cow's teat, thin skin will cause damage and irritation, which leads to the formation of the wounds. The teats are exposed to the bacteria as staphylococcus, which is grow in wounds. As with any open wound, leading to mastitis. In calves flies on bacteria, which cause moraxella pinkeyes, which is located in the calves of discharge and the tears. Conjunctivitis, spread rapidly from the exigencies of the exigencies of the flies of the population is high.

More or less, Kala-Azar is a rare disease caused by the sand fly. Spreads through the sand fly and is a parasite in nature. Affects the skin membrane and in most cases, the membrane can cause peptic ulcers. Spreading fly biting; for example, when the fly bites of infected animals that transmit diseases to human beings.

Dysentery transmissible to humans through food. When we leave our food exposing the flies and escape is wet materials, which remain in the mouth after feeding the rotten materials carrying the bacteria, which causes dysentery. Flies like damp places and are attracted to the smell of fermentation materials. They can carry Parasitic worms that cause skin infections in human beings and leaves droppings to foods and dishes, which contaminate food does.

The bacteria that causes cholera in human feces and borne by flies that come and feed our food and water that we drink.

When we eat food that is infected or water, we've contacted typhoid, food-borne diseases and is caused by a bacteria called salmonella typhy, the bacteria causing the disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Malaria, which is a very dangerous disease spread by mosquitoes in the world; This disease is transmitted from one person to another through biting.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Drought, dirty water and disease

When going through the dry season we have other problems, which are increasing. Things such as West Nile virus, the bark, beetles, epidemic, Med Fly and implement these problems that occur during certain periods the weather deepened when cycles out of control. For example, the El Nino warming of the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere will spread and the jet stream is within the range of temperature and insects to transport all the way across the ocean. Birds edit their stop for water during migration, to remain in areas which are longer during the year or leave earlier so their chances of suffering from more areas are larger.

When the deer travel further to go to the bar during migration comes into contact with the various farm animals and people. The bark beetle has a day during the dry season and are the issues in Alaska, Prescott and Flagstaff, AZ, quite serious. The bark beetle also reduces the trees on the fuel, which can start a fire during the lightening strikes.

Thanks to the disease hard to control and it is hard to keep viruses. As their feathered friends, people also movement and bring more each year, and with them will solve their problems in other parts of the country. And as the migration of people in different areas of the water line, also with the man in the sand and led or bought as an official territory. Some of the water, which we take for granted are also our neighbors. In Northern Montana river water flows into Manitoba, Canada. It's hard, because Helena, invoicing, Belgrade, but they need the water flowing in the wrong direction. Along the Rio Grande into the water does not reach the Gulf of Mexico, except in extreme hurricane years. This water is shared by farmers on both sides; The Rio Grande and South West TX


The Colorado River flows into Mexico, and is called the Mexican Delta of Colorado and is under constant stress and complaints. The supply of water is necessary to maintain civilization, strong, keep countries, provide to the life, safety, food and relax, a strong economy, healthy population and almost everything you can think of. So what happens once we're done with the water. Some returns to the underground water, but most of the stream to sewer treatment plants. The United States has one of the largest sewer treatment facilities and technology in the world.

We have some of the highest standards in the world, as soon as the water is treated and returned. We're doing a great job in this respect, where, as in the third world country people die on the dreadful disease from untreated water drinking water to those downstream. Water-borne diseases include cholera, typhoid, polio, meningitis, shigella, hepatitis a and E human beings and animals that drink or swim in the polluted waters become the hosts of the bacteria or the organisms causing these diseases. Billions of people on the planet have access to the hygienic disposal of waste, water and waste water or clean water for personal hygiene.

The average third world populations in many parts of the world live on less that 4-8 liters per day. About 3 billion people have no toilets. More than 1.2 billion people are at risk because they lack access to safe drinking water. The problem is getting worse in many places, there is no better way to escape, that population growth does not come to a solution.

Water-borne diseases, which the WTO is called "dirty water" diseases that are caused by water, which has been contaminated by faeces, or chemical and industrial wastes. Lack of sewage treatment plants and treatment centers, and the lack of clean water for bathing, drinking, cooking and washing of the costs of the planet not less than 12 million deaths a year. Diarrhea type illness is a serious problem particularly when human waste is disposed of the open holes, ditches, canals and waterways. This waste is often flows directly into arable land. About 4 billion cases of diarrhea type illness occurs each year, causing approximately 3.8 million deaths a year, and most of them are children.

We are lucky to live in a country that has a corresponding and above average water and wastewater treatment. Sewage treatment plants are not the end of the stream, a large part of this water is used to water golf courses, public parks and flows in rivers on the way to the ocean. In countries where there are no sewers, sewage pollutes water prepared fish caught and eaten, and also cause all kinds of bad diseases. Pacific rice fields are said to be contaminated, and many fish are now dangerous to eat. When we reconstruct Iraq and to help people in Africa and the children of the world high-priority and the first task must be carefully the flow of water. Only then should we move to the next item on the agenda. Without clean water and healthy body there is no way to feed the brain so it can be people to help them to better place.

The inhabitants of these regions have the power, work, productivity, become educated and to cooperate with us to help them. And as we look to these countries, we must bear in mind that a large part of what we take for granted is at the point of stress and simply with the flow may lead us to the place where the flow goes. We know where we have problems and challenges and must continue to be proactive and to correct and to be ready for the next drought. I hope you have enjoyed this topic on the flow of water. Without water there is no human life and we need to first things first.

Aquatic effects us all, regardless of where we live, what we do for a living or to travel within this small blue balls. It is from the perspective of the challenges, such as the challenge of water supply for the growing human population that we can learn how to best address the problems.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Eight of the burden, which may cause disease Koi

Unlike most other fish is vulnerable due to the process of selective breeding, which has undergone centuries of koi is the immune system. Keepers were more concerned about strengthening its aesthetic attributes (for example, colors, designs and models) instead of strengthening its ability to fight against the disease.

The number one disease causing agent for most of the fish koi is stress. Stress renders koi immune system vulnerable to infections, its ability to produce the antibodies is compromised during these periods of tense.

Your priority is to control or eliminate stress on your koi. Keep in mind that the extreme changes in their environment and the existence of a burden and cause damage to the fish. Common koi burden are the following:

1. High ammonia in pond water. Check the integrity of your biological and mechanical filtration systems, as well as the clarity and purity of your pond. Ammonia causes tissue damage and slows their growth.

2. poor water Quality. Buy a test kit and check the pH, kh, gh, nitrite, ammonia, and salinity levels in the pond water.

3. Low dissolved oxygen level. You have provzdušnovacu installed to oxygenate the water? The water should be strongly moving and flowing so the oxygen will be evenly pond.

4. handling and movement of fish. Mucous membrane layer which covers the whole body of your koi should be treated with moistened hands, for example. It is the first line of defense against water-borne parasites, irrelevant and fungal, viral and bacterial infections in fish. Fish processing incorrectly will damage this protective covering, which contains antibodies and lyzosome, the enzyme that destroys the cell wall of bacteria.

5. the Crowding. Take care that the equivalent stocking level in your pond is proportional to its soundness. Too many kois and will be tougher competition for food, space and oxygen, among others.

6. the Parasites, such as the tail, costia, trichodina, chilodinella, and "ich". Koi are usually obtain parasites from other fish; often, when a new fish introduced into the pond without quarantine.

7. sharp edges, in or around the pool, fish skin, can impoverished finally expose the parasites and infections. In particular, the spawning tank to ensure that the edges are rounded to the male and the female may bruise injuries during mating time.

8. lack of or inappropriate food. Although kois love worms, he thinks that you don't feed the larvae, which feed on rotten meat and therefore are potential carriers of diseases.

Detection of stress. But how will you know if your kois stress?

Always follow your koi behavioral or physical changes. Pay attention to the apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite and aloneness. If such behaviour persists for several days and the number of kois, you should be concerned.

Check the fish for any bruising, abrasions, ulcers and lesions, which have shaped or there have been days or weeks. Your check in time when they come to the surface to feed. Scanning the gills, fins and skin, where most of the parasites and infection initially raised. If you suspect a more serious illness, peeling for sample and dispatch to the laboratory.