Friday, 30 September 2011

Mineral water

Welcome to the water war on the horizon (transnational companies are outside of the store, the owners of the rivers, allegedly to give us water, 24 x 7. In the world, far more serious than the oil problem will be a crisis. Some time back, an international seminar was organized in Bonn, Germany, were delegates from 130 countries, 3,000 were present. In the seminar were made some surprising findings that the water will be sold as raw is sold through tanker and piping in the 21. of the century. Wars are conducted through the rough. Similarly, wars over water.

130 people in the world are deprived of their core of clean drinking water, the lack of water led to the business of mineral and packaged drinking water. Every day, about 6000 die of water-borne diseases. There are so many deaths caused by consumption of contaminated water as in the terrorist attacks on the twin towers. The water crisis in India is extremely serious.

97% of water reserves on Earth is the salt sea water. 2.5% to 3% of the balance is stores in the proportion of glaciers in the Arctic region. That leaves us with only 5% of the drinking water of large quantities of fresh water, which are available in the world today, are stored in large ponds on the border of Canada and the United States. The rest of the world is witnessing fast and consistently damaging water supplies as a result of a growing population, urbanization, industrialization and pollution. In several parts of India resulted in a lack of water riots.

According to a report issued by the UNITED NATIONS may be available for the year for people in Asia, only 3000 cubic meters of water. The Indian average is still lower, which is 2500 cubic metre. EUttar Pradesh is in the tradition of marriage the bride is considered to be solemnized only after she performs a puja in the worship of the well. Today, with regard to most of the wells are cemented with water tankers and worshipped instead of holes.

About 20 people, the core of the India to obtain clean water to drink. Between the water resources available in the country of about 80% of resources have been contaminated as a result of sewage poured into water, industrial, or by mixing the dirty water. Still, it is recommended that farmers prefer to cash crops, which need more water.

To consolidate their vote banks, farmers are offered, free electricity, which is used for the extraction of water from underground through the bore well. It draws thousands of holes because of the constant reduction in the level of wasted water. Is it because of the lack of water, agricultural production, resulting in the country of India had to import food.

At the time of the independence of each country had at least one source of drinking water, in the village, which has no sole source of drinking water is recognised in Government parlance as "no source of village". No source was about 750 villages in India in 1985.

In 1996, despite all the Government claim that the high number of "no source village in shot up to 65 000. It follows that the no source 65000 village ", which should have minimum one lost their source of drinking water sources, either through the drying up of wells or contamination from industrial waste or bind water.

When are large dams across the great river, running water under begins dry up, leading to a severe water shortage crisis in villages along the banks. The municipalities of cities release back into the river water without cleaning and it deprives hundreds of villages, their source of drinking water, the permissions for any setting industry along the river banks contributes to water pollution. The people who this contaminated water svetaznalí in different diseases transmitted by water. Why are these industrialists, guilty of polluting the drinking water for people, so smoothly? Why are the municipalities enabled to release water into the river without cleaning it

When India gained independence, the water was under the control of people. Gram Panchayat each village serves to maintain the ponds and wells in his village and what's more, the rivers, was considered the wealth of nature. Our Government has built dams over almost all the rivers and consequently established bureaucratic control over the water.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Mosquitoes and disease-the most dangerous creatures

Most of the time, a mosquito bite is nothing more than a minor irritant that swells up, itches something fierce, then fades and is quickly forgotten. That is, unless that mosquito is carrying a bug of its own.

Mosquitoes kill more than a million people across the globe every year through the transmission of dangerous viruses and parasites. A female mosquito lights on an infected person or animal, sucks up the diseased blood and passes it on to the next victim she bites.

As simply as that, mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, malaria and even canine heartworms can spread throughout a population. The infected don't even realize they've picked up a disease until the symptoms begin to show.

According to the Maryland Department of Agriculture, "for the first time in nearly 50 years endemic cases of dengue fever and malaria are in the United States. Improvements in world transportation now allow a person infected with a disease to be on a different continent each day. This enables mosquito-borne diseases to travel from one nation to the next."

That ability to spread sickness and death all over the planet is why the Smithsonian National Zoological Park has declared the female Anopheles mosquito - a malaria carrier - the deadliest animal in the world.

So, if you've ever wondered what diseases a mosquito can carry - and how they are transmitted - then read on.

Drawing blood with a mosquito proboscis

First, you need to understand how a mosquito takes your blood.

For the most part, only female mosquitoes feed on the blood of people and animals. They need the protein in blood to help their eggs develop, so they usually will feed before laying each batch. A female mosquito can lay up to three batches of eggs before she dies.

The mosquito uses a serrated proboscis to pierce the skin and reach a capillary. Through a tube inside the proboscis, the mosquito injects saliva containing a mixture of painkiller and blood thinner. Many people are allergic to the saliva, which is what causes the swelling and itching around the bite.

Once the saliva is in, the mosquito begins to draw blood through a second tube in the proboscis. The female usually takes about 0.001 to 0.01 milliliter of blood, according to the American Mosquito Control Association.

If the mosquito is carrying a disease, it can be transmitted through the tiny bits of blood remaining on the proboscis from the mosquito's last victim, as well through the saliva, which may contain viruses or parasites.

A single bite from the right mosquito at the right time, and you're infected.

That's why mosquito experts are always encouraging people to check their yards for standing water where the insects can breed, to avoid being outside at nightfall when they're hunting, and to use repellent, mosquito traps and even netting, if necessary, to keep from being bitten.

Mosquitoes bring malaria

Malaria is caused by a parasite that hitches a ride when an Anopheles mosquito drinks an infected person's blood. Only the Anopheles can transmit malaria, according to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida.

Ronald Ross, a British entomologist, was the first person to make the connection between mosquitoes and malaria, discovering the parasites in 1897.

The parasites live in human red blood cells, reproducing asexually for two to three days until they burst the cell and flood the bloodstream with new parasites. Some develop into male and female gametocytes, which the mosquito takes in during feeding.

The gametocytes reproduce inside the mosquito over a period of one to three weeks, and create  sporozoites that migrate to the insect's salivary glands. When the mosquito injects saliva into a person, it also passes along the sporozoites, infecting the person with malaria, the Florida researchers report.

Malaria symptoms mimic the flu, causing fever, chills and nausea. Left untreated, it can be fatal.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, nearly 500 million people around the world contract malaria each year, and more than one million die. Most of the deaths occur among children on the African continent.

The CDC reported that there were 63 outbreaks of malaria in the United States from 1957 to 2003. In each case, the outbreaks started with someone who had contracted the disease in a country where it is common, then brought it back to the U.S.

At least two species of Anopheles mosquitoes capable of transmitting malaria are prevalent in this country.

The West Nile virus and mosquito bites

The West Nile virus is a relatively mild infection that can sometimes lead to severe encephalitis. It was discovered in the blood of a woman living in Uganda in 1937, and is common throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

It is spread when mosquitoes - primarily Culex mosquitoes -  feed on infected birds such as crows, then pass it to humans through the injection of saliva at the next feeding. The virus enters the bloodstream and begins to multiply.

Symptoms can begin to show within three days to two weeks, and in some cases, the virus crosses into the brain, where it can cause inflammation and disrupt neurological functions, possibly leading to permanent damage to the nervous system.

Those older than 50 are most at risk.

But the good news is that about 80 percent of those who contract West Nile virus from mosquito bites never develop symptoms. A little less than 20 percent will come down with fevers, headaches, nausea and sometimes swollen lymph nodes.

And only about one out of every 150 people infected - less than 1 percent - develop encephalitis, the most severe form of the disease. The first signs of encephalitis are often flu-like symptoms and neck stiffness, leading to high fever, disorientation, seizures, blindness, paralysis and possibly death, according to the CDC.

The mosquito-borne illness first showed up in the United States in 1999 with an outbreak in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Within four years, it had had spread to most of the Midwest and killed a reported 23 people.

In 2007, there were West Nile virus infections in nearly every state. The CDC reported 3,598 illnesses and 121 deaths.

Mosquitoes carry other forms of encephalitis

Eastern equine encephalitis is a cousin to the West Nile Virus, spread the same way - by mosquitoes that have fed on infected birds.

The symptoms are similar and usually emerge about three to 10 days after transmission from a mosquito bite. However, it is a much more serious illness, proving fatal for 30 to 50 percent of those infected, especially among kids and the elderly.

"Because of the high mortality rate, (it) is regarded as one of the most serious mosquito-borne diseases in the United States," the CDC reports.

Fortunately, it is also relatively rare. Only 220 cases were reported between 1964 and 2004, primarily in Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.

Another particularly dangerous disease in the same family is St. Louis Encephalitis, common along the eastern seaboard, the Gulf Coast, and parts of the Midwest. Until West Nile arrived, it was considered the most serious mosquito-borne illness in the country.

As with the other forms of encephalitis, mosquitoes pick it up from birds and pass it to humans, primarily in the late summer to early winter. It doesn't harm either the birds or the insects, but can be brutal to people.

Slightly more than half of those infected develop brain inflammation and the accompanying neurological problems, and 5 to 30 percent will die, depending on the age of the person infected. Even those who survive sometimes suffer permanent memory loss or paralysis.

According to the CDC, there have been nearly 5,000 cases reported in the last 40 years.

Yeah, but what about mosquitoes and HIV?

Short answer: Doesn't happen.

On top of the diseases already mentioned, mosquito bites can transmit, in rare instances, the deadly yellow and dengue fevers to humans, and can pass heartworm larvae to your pooch through their saliva - by the way, once infected the dog is infected for life, according to the University of Florida agriculture extension office.

But researchers at Rutgers University say the one illness mosquitoes cannot carry from person to person is HIV.

For one thing, the virus that causes AIDS does not live in a mosquito's body, the way encephalitis does. Mosquitoes actually digest the virus along with the blood within a day or two of feeding. It never gets a chance to replicate and migrate to the salivary glands.

And,  there just aren't enough HIV particles in the tiny amount of blood that remains on a mosquito's proboscis after feeding to cause infection. While encephalitis bugs circulate at a high volume in the blood stream, HIV traces are relatively minute.

The bottom line is that a person would have to be bitten by 10 million mosquitoes to even have a chance of transmission. And that's statistically improbable, the Rutgers researchers say.

Of course, as you've seen, mosquito-borne illnesses are deadly enough without HIV. Maybe now you understand why those backyard pests are considered one of the most dangerous creatures alive.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Now is the time to solve the problems in the water world

It is difficult for those of us who are always so much water, how much we need to understand what it is for the people living in countries that do not have water as well as technology and equipment for the production of fresh, uncontaminated water for its citizens. As a result, people are forced to drink water, whether they'll find in the rivers, lakes or streams, and the spread of major diseases. Imagine the whole town, bathing in and drinking from the same water. Without water we die, so these people are willing to no water, they can keep their bodies hydrated. I really have no other option, with the exception of one wrong. The dwindling supply of fresh water has become a problem shared by people throughout the world.

The sad fact is that 1.1 billion people worldwide are living without access to safe drinking water. This means that 1 of every 6 people around the world. In addition, 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. These problems, and an estimate of the 3900 children die every day of the water, shall be borne by the disease. In addition, in some parts of the world, up to 99% of available water reserves are used in agriculture, in an attempt to grow enough food for the inhabitants of the region.

The critical lack of water is not reserved only for the countries of the third world, even. Parts on all continents except Antarctica, face a shortage of water. Even parts of the United States, in the country, where we think we have an excess of all the resources that we need to have less than adequate supplies of water. As the population grows, the problem is increasing. In many places on Earth two or more countries share the resources of water, causing tensions between Nations. These problems are escalating and no doubt will lead to future conflicts.

Have you ever considered the fact that only one source, the water, could be responsible for so many problems on the ground When you turn on the tap in the morning shower or put a little water to your coffee maker you should consider that they are in the world are dying because of its lack of people Most of us will take note of the growing crisis to strike closer to home. Areas of the UNITED STATES, which have undergone a period of limited water is already a little know how it will look like. It is important that each of us freaky Act of waste water, we can. Only by limiting our use now we will be able to ensure adequate supplies of water for future generations.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Pure distilled water

Pure distilled water is generally free of any impurities and all kinds of toxics that can be found in the taps of your own home. It's use in many different ways in our everyday life. This is not only used for drinking, but also can be used in various chemical and biological experiments in the laboratory. It is highly recommend to each individual's drink, it's completely cleaned of all contaminants and chlorine. That is why it's great for the skin, as it is free from all contaminants that would block the microscopic pores of the skin.

It's use in large scale consumption, as it is cleaned from all virtually solid impurities, like all other liquid contaminants, mixed with water, which could cause some disease or create harmful effect in the human body.

Pure distilled water is also primarily marketed for drinking purposes. In addition, there are also other drink using distilled water in and out of the House, that you may be interested in. Recommended by some experts, is usually use in child nutrition, food, animals, plants, and also as Aquarium. Pure distilled water is used in these areas, because it is in General without any harmful elements. This type is high again in baby food, because the children are very sensitive to water borne diseases. Therefore, if you want to prevent this, pure distilled water is that the use of. Applies to domestic animals and plants be used up. The use of pure distilled water in aquariums, we recommend that even watering the plants, if you want your fish to live longer and have a healthy-looking plants. This is because pure distilled water is free of any contaminants.

It is also used in the storing of contact lenses and the washing of wounds during the operation. Our body's internal organs are exposed to the air, when the skin is cloven in surgery, it is therefore necessary to maintain a clean, so that nothing undesirable. Whereas that pure distilled water is without this undesirable contaminants, is the best choice in this situation.

We use more than we realize it in our daily life. The benefit is just something that man can enjoy, but also to diversify to other users such as, for example, domestic uses, as well as foreign exploitation.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Safe water from the tank of drinking water

Water is a very important element in the life of man. Water means life, health and survival. Without water, life will cease to exist. In fact, a person can survive longer with water than with food only.

Water also has many important functions in the human body. These features ensure the continuity of life and better health of human beings. For example, water is used as a solvent in the human body, when the wash from the toxins that are able to enter the human body. Therefore, it is important to regularly drink water for a considerable amount of containers and with safe and clean drinking water.

However, one must be careful in the water that we drink. Otherwise, you may experience adverse effects on the health and life. It is the irony of drinking water. Although it is known and accepted that the water provides better health and a good life, it may also kill life and cause the deterioration of health.

Unsafe drinking water, can cause various diseases. These diseases are too many to the point of the range of less fatal ones. Examples of water-borne disease are headache, skin problems, such as eczema and cancer. These water borne illness occurs when a person drinks the water, which is dangerous and unclean. This means that the water contains some harmful substances such as chlorine, synthetic organic chemicals and lead, which activate these diseases.

Indeed, the water carries the disease is dangerous and avoid. It can be made safe to drink the purified water from the container clean drinking water. Safe, purified water is hard to find. Water from the tap is certainly not reliable, therefore, may contain certain impurities. On the market are available, many of the bottled water. However, not all of them are reliable. Some are even the water from the tap.

There is also a drinking water that has undergone reverse osmosis method. This type of drinking water is clean and safe. The only problem is that some minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium are lost during the method of reverse osmosis. These minerals are essential to the human body and improve health.

The best choice for potable water is purified water, filtered through a system of filtering home. However, not all filtering systems are effective. You must select those that you do not use chlorine and completely remove all contaminants.

Currently the best available filtering system on the market, see the Aquasana. Aquasana water filtration system that is installed in your House. It is not the best product just because it has different models to meet the needs of your health, but also helps in weight loss, skin hydration and nutrient assimilation.

Unlike the method of reverse osmosis essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium are still preserved the filtered water and contaminants that are harmful to the health of the filtered and deleted. The filtered water by Aquasana, together with clean drinking water containers are really the best for you and your family.