Saturday 17 September 2011

Now is the time to solve the problems in the water world

It is difficult for those of us who are always so much water, how much we need to understand what it is for the people living in countries that do not have water as well as technology and equipment for the production of fresh, uncontaminated water for its citizens. As a result, people are forced to drink water, whether they'll find in the rivers, lakes or streams, and the spread of major diseases. Imagine the whole town, bathing in and drinking from the same water. Without water we die, so these people are willing to no water, they can keep their bodies hydrated. I really have no other option, with the exception of one wrong. The dwindling supply of fresh water has become a problem shared by people throughout the world.

The sad fact is that 1.1 billion people worldwide are living without access to safe drinking water. This means that 1 of every 6 people around the world. In addition, 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. These problems, and an estimate of the 3900 children die every day of the water, shall be borne by the disease. In addition, in some parts of the world, up to 99% of available water reserves are used in agriculture, in an attempt to grow enough food for the inhabitants of the region.

The critical lack of water is not reserved only for the countries of the third world, even. Parts on all continents except Antarctica, face a shortage of water. Even parts of the United States, in the country, where we think we have an excess of all the resources that we need to have less than adequate supplies of water. As the population grows, the problem is increasing. In many places on Earth two or more countries share the resources of water, causing tensions between Nations. These problems are escalating and no doubt will lead to future conflicts.

Have you ever considered the fact that only one source, the water, could be responsible for so many problems on the ground When you turn on the tap in the morning shower or put a little water to your coffee maker you should consider that they are in the world are dying because of its lack of people Most of us will take note of the growing crisis to strike closer to home. Areas of the UNITED STATES, which have undergone a period of limited water is already a little know how it will look like. It is important that each of us freaky Act of waste water, we can. Only by limiting our use now we will be able to ensure adequate supplies of water for future generations.

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